
Message from the Pastor

Dr. Phil Majors


Click on this link  [August Newsletter] to download pdf version of this month's newsletter. OR scroll down to read this same newsletter.

August 2011

"Now, there abides these three: faith, hope and love; but the greatest of these is love."

- I Corinthians 13:13

On July 30, I attempted to speak words of comfort at the funeral service of my father's youngest sister, Emma. She and her three sons have been a deeply loving presence in my life from infancy. We lived in close proximity during my childhood and spent a great deal of time together in the summers after they moved to Louisville and more time when she and my grandmother moved to Georgetown. Her death after a struggle with Altzheimer's was a significant loss.


The words of I Corinthians described my aunt in many ways. I chose to read from the chapter and share some thoughts on love. In my contemplation of verse 13, I found myself newly challenged by Paul's elevation of love above faith and hope. Here's what I said:

     When Paul closed this chapter, he said the three enduring values in life were faith, hope and love, but greatest was love. Why is that? Most of us would put faith as number one on the list of essential characteristics for successful living. "You gotta have faith" is a cliche we sometimes hear. Faith is supposed to move mountains and change life in innumberable ways. But moving the mountain or changing a life can't be capricious or haphazard. Such faith has to have a motivation beyond just changing the landscape or the life. It has to have the desire not only to do something, but to do the right thing. THat is where love enters the picture. Love gives itself to knowing the person and situation before acting so that the end result is joy and not pain.

     Hope vies with faith as an essential ingredient for living. Hope is the deep down conviction that life will get better or that help is on the way or that there is more meaning than what we see. Hope helps us hold on a little longer, try a little harder, press on a little further. But hope is only wishful thinking if we have never been loved. When we are loved, wehn we know that someone truly believes in us, hope soars. We don't want to let them down, of course, but we know that if we do, their love will not change. In fact, we count on the fact that their love will help us rise and try again.

     Only a person who is truly loved can have faith and hope. Being loved with a love that embraces you no matter what you've done or where you've been, gifts you with the faith to believe in yourself and the hope that all is not lost. Christ loves us like that. Emma loved us like that. We need to love each other like that.

In a few weeks I will celebrate two years as interim pastor at First Presbyterian. It has been a wonderful experience chiefly because of your love and acceptance. I thank you with all my heart for allowing me to walk the path of faith with you during these days.

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We are having an exciting time in worship! During August, I am preaching on "texts that made a difference" in the lives of famous people. We will hear from the lives of John Bunyan, Sir Walter Scott and John Wesley, among others. THEN, after Labor Day, we will hear from YOU. That's right, YOU! My sermon plan for September and October and maybe beyond will be based on your favorite scriptures. Index cards are available at church for you to fill out with your name, favorite scripture, favorite hymn and any comments you want to add about why the scripture is your favorite. On the Sunday when I preach on your scripture, we will sing your favorite hymn. I've already received a number of cards, and I am really intrigued about the possibilities. If you can't find an index card, just put the information on a piece of paper and drop it in the collection plate. You can also email your information to me at philmajors@newwavecomm.net or you can send it to me at my home: 58 Briarwood Trace, Corbin, KY.

Other events in August include:

- "Blessings of the backpacks" on August 14 during the morning worship

- Ice cream sundae fellowship at 5 p.m. on August 14

- Communion on August 21 during the morning worship

I look forward to seeing you during this wonderful month!

Dr. Phil


Be sure to check out the pictures in the Photo Gallery of get-togethers with members and family! And, to read upcoming sermon topics or revisit a previous Sundays' sermon, visit the Worship Service page.